The global container system: the state and trends
10.00 - 14.00
Session speakers
Discussion topics:
- Containerisation as the Launching Mechanism for Globalisation
- The Current Status and Problems of the Transport Global Container System
- Development Trends in Maritime and Land Freight Distribution Container Subsystem
- Port-oriented and Port-centered Logistics
- Development trends in Container Transshipment Equipment
- Outlook and Problems in the Russian Federation Container Transport System
- Development of Resources for Analysis, Planning and Management of Container Terminals
- Digitization in the Container Business: Opportunities and Limits
- Change in the Role of Forwarding in the Container Business
A.V. Kirichenko, Director, Institute of International Transport Management of Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping.
Keynote Session’s Speakers: KONE Cranes, Logistic terminal «Yanino», «GazPromNeft NTC», «LenNiiProject», «University of Inland Shipping of Admiral Makarov» to name a few.