XVII International Forum-Exhibition TRANSTEC on the Development of Transport Corridors and Logistics Infrastructure.
Dates: November 29 - December 1, 2022.
Venue: St. Petersburg, ExpoForum CEC - Pavilion F
TRANSTEC has been held in St. Petersburg since 1994. Co-organizer of the project is the Autonomous non-profit organization Directorate of International Transport Corridors (ANO DITC). The event is supported by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, that are members of the program committee and contribute to the formation of the up-to-date agenda of the business program.
Forum Exhibition is also supported by the Government of St. Petersburg, the Maritime Council under the Government of St. Petersburg, the Federal Agency for Maritime and River Transport, the International Coordinating Council for trans-Eurasian transport, the Association of Commercial Sea Ports, the Russian Road Research institute, the National Union of Transport and Logistics Experts.
The main directions of the project:
The Forum includes a business and exhibition program.
Directions of the business program:
Directions of the exhibition exposition:
Dear participants!
The 17th TRANSTEC International Forum and Exhibition will be held in St. Petersburg from November 29 to December 1, 2022.
We invite you to participate and book exhibition space.
Contacts for communication:
+7 (812) 321-26-76, +7 (812) 321-28-17
Перенос мероприятия обусловлен изменением концепции проекта. Инициатива получила поддержку соорганизатора проекта АНО «ДМТК».
Read more...08.03.2023
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