Strategic session
International, technical and scientific cooperation to ensure stable shipping and transit development in the Arctic
Part 1. Capacity of the shipbuilding industry to support new projects and enhance the efficiency of shipping in the Arctic
The latest global and Russian trends in shipbuilding and design for the Arctic
Governmental support and financial instruments for the development of Arctic shipbuilding
Technologies and solutions to ensure ensuring the navigation in the Arctic
The emerging cargo base’s needs for new vessels
Renovation of icebreaker, tanker, river, fishing and auxiliary fleets
Opportunities for autonomous vessels on the North Sea Route
The issues regarding maintenance, repairment and modernization of vessels
Keynote Session’s Speakers and Representatives: Ministry of Industry and Trade, «Atomflot», «NOVATEK», «AEON Corporation», «Zvezda Shipbuilding Complex», Krylov State Research Centre,
Hyundai Heavy Industries, Samsung Heavy Industries, COSCO Shipping, Mitsui O. S.K. Lines, «NorNickel» «SovcomFlot», and other leading financial, scientific, shipbuilding corporations.
Please, follow the website’s update for further information regarding appointed speakers.
Part 2. Northern Sea Route: shipping development and prospects as an international transport corridor
The Execution of the infrastructure’s development plan of the Northern Sea Route until 2035
The Northern Sea Route in the international transport corridor system
Development of port infrastructure in the Arctic
The evolution if International Maritime Law
Safe navigation along the Northern Sea Route as a risk-mitigation factor in
the Arctic.
Climactic changes in the Arctic and their impact on Arctic shipping
Informational and telecommunication management in Arctic shipping
Examples in the construction of Arctic logistics systems
The transport assurance of Arctic Delivery
Alternative types of fuel for Arctic shipping
High technologies for raising efficiency of shipping management in the North Sea Route.
Keynote Session’s Speakers: Deputy Minister of Transport, “Rosatom», «Atomflot», «Sovcomflot», «Rosmorport», Marine Rescue Services Corporation, COSCO Shipping, Mitsui, O. S.K. Lines, FESCO, other leading shipbuilding, ports, stevedores, navigation and telecommunication corporations.
Please, follow the website’s update for further information regarding appointed speakers.